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Miss Curvy


Directed by Ghada Eldemellawy

Produced by NFTS

A documentary about a Ugandan mother trying

to navigate her past traumas by participating in

Africa's first beauty pageant for plus sized women.


2020 | 24mins 27secs | Colour

Camera - Sony FS7II | Aspect ratio - 1.78:1

Lenses - Sony 18-110 F4 + Sigma 50 F1.4

Best Student Doc at Grierson British Doc 2020

Best Doc Short at Edmonton Film Festival 2020

Best Doc Short at Reel Sisters of the Diaspora 2020

Jury Honourable Mention at Austin Film Festival 2020

Shortlisted Oscars Student Academy Awards 2020

Shortlisted GSA BAFTA Student Film Awards 2020

Nominated for Best Student film at OWM 2020

Official Selection Nashville Film Festival 2020